Sunday, August 8, 2010

Reflections from Peggy

What a great first week we have had! Many of our experiences have already been discussed so I'll add just a little. I believe the relationships formed between the North American volunteers (mostly Canadians, but I'm actually from Texas) and the Belizeans is the key to success. Rotary's ideals are what must guide us and that is certainly what is happening. "Service before self" is definitely the theme of the week. On Thursday night, Miss Delly Martinez, a local assistant manager, invited all of us, along with the local manger and staff to her house for dinner. The table was overflowing with wonderful Belizean food. Her hospitality and willingess to open her home to us is evidence of the loving spirit with which we are received. After a long week of workshops we got to sit and visit with the ministry about our partnership. As new friends, we shared our experiences and our vision for education in Belize. Toledo is making strides and Mr. Reyes, the local manager, credits the Canadian Rotary program, TFABB, the leadership from the local ministry, and the hard work at 49 primary schools with this success. Each piece is essential!

Our principals and learning coaches are hungry for information that they can take back to their schools. When we present ideas, they help us contextualize those ideas so they will work in Belizean schools. There is an equality in the process that is inspiring. Sometimes we lead, sometimes they lead...and in the end we all learn. All Rotarians should take pride in the work that is happening in this district. True partnerships are hard to find...but this is truly one!

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